
Dasavatharam of Kamal Hassan [ A total Dissapointment!!!]

Finally I got a chance to see the much hyped film of Kamal Hassan - Dasaavathaaram. But there is absolutely nothing that stays in mind after leaving the cinema hall. Out of 10 characters played by Kamal, only two stays in our mind - Naidu and Boovaragan. I wish if I could see more of them in the film.

On to the characters -

Paatti - Reminded me of Kummaatti, a dance form performed during the Onam times in Kerala, wearing the masks.

Kalifullah Khan - His moves and figure make him look like a toy man. The most boring avathaaram of the 10s.

Christian Fletcher - Another fancy dress show. Kamal should have given the job of a villain to someone else who could do it better rather than putting on a ridiculous mask and a stupid accent. Even his merciless killing of the people doesn't make him look like a villain of even a comic book standard. Blame it on the mask.

George Bush - Nice try Kamal, you could use that to entertain kids in your own neighborhood. My question to you is, why waste so much of money on make up while you could have easily bought a mask and put it on for this show?

Avataar Singh - Why the heck you need that fellow in the story?

Japanese man - Uff!! Mask game again. Kamal could have at least done some weight loss for some of his characters and make them look different. All the characters look almost the same, except for their masks (or call make-up).

Nambi and Govind - Nothing worthy of a special mention.

Naidu - Well, this character made me smile at times. Especially when he asks "Telug-aa?" and when his expressions change depending on the answer to that question. :-)

Boovaragan - Most appealing of them all. The mannerisms, the language and acting - it's all good.

Kamal is known to be a liberal but the way he treats his heroines is just pathetic. They have nothing to do in Kamal Hassan movies except for some intimate kissing scene. So much for a liberal person. At least Asin is saved from the sex object thing in this movie, but she also has nothing to do in this movie except for screaming "perumaaleeeeee".

Kamal is one of the finest actors of India. No second thought about it. Even in this cheesiest movie he shows signs of his acting skills through Naidu and Boovaragan. But in an attempt to achieve a record or something, he lost his senses and ended up on doing a fancy dress show and left his fans like me are dissapointed.

Kamal should know that Dasaavathaaram is not the kind of movie that we expect from him. We expect something more. Something solid. Something that brings him out as a great actor and it doesn't need to be a wave film. Kamal should know that we would be okay with Rajnikanth doing such films, but not Kamal. :-)

Except for Naidu and Boovaragan, there is nothing that stays in your mind. Not even a character, song, song sequence, special effects (the FX is terrible) or anything. It is just an all out fancy dress show. That is how Dasaavathaaram fails both way - as an entertainer and as a Kamal Hassan movie.

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